Monday, June 7, 2010

What the F*@$&??

Oh gosh, i guess game-friends can be as silly as rl-friends!

Now if the same person is both game-friend *and* rl-friend.. endless potential!

Yesterday we wanted to do Azoturan Fortress (remember where you did Fragments of Memory 3? same place). BTW it got much easier after the 1.9 patch! There drops a shield I want, and lovely rings for everyone. The so-nice elf and the dearest british thought of the idea, especially since they know how much i need a shield.

However 3 ppl are not enough for the fortress. We spoke to legionmates, even asked one of them to repeat our call in vent. A group was formed, and we farmed the 2 bosses multiple times (yay!!).

Just after the 2nd time, I receive a whisper from a close legion-mate, rl-friend and ofc game-friend:

"You are so "LOL" all of you, going there to farm the fortress in utter silence and secrecy -were you afraid we will steal your loots?"

What the f@()$* - why did he say that?! True, i didnt explicitly ask him to join us - but that's only because he would probably say no. Why on earth he was so rude?

"What's up with you, why are you so rude, is it something i did?" --me

After some heated discussion, he admitted he "didnt mean it like that" etc etc. Oh yeah? how did you mean it then?

"Oh, how did you mean it then?", I asked

He responded something about "just saying so" and "playful" and "joking".

I am not sure I believe him though :-( I think he is still angry with all of us. Pittttty! :-(

The chosen comic demonstrates how a complex relationship can indeed form online, be it a friendly or a romantic one. Oh and it's funny too!

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