Thursday, December 30, 2010

MMOs are good for you

You know that MMOs are good for you. I know it too. But how can I persuade a teenager's mom?
More often than not, I have people trying to persuade me that gaming is bad for my mental (and physical!) health. Although I have found ways to deal with these people, there will still be the argument that young gamers, ie 15-18 year olds, are in danger, "destroying themselves", in an addiction "worse than drugs". On top of that, there are pseudo-scientific articles, describing this new disease and urging parents to guard their offsprings.

Well I think that MMOs are beneficial for a teenager. And I want to spread the word. Could you help me write down the arguments in favour of gaming? Please mail me your ideas.

Some thoughts to start with (in no particular order):
  • Functioning in groups. Learn to follow, collaborate, lead, organise, talk.
  • Every-day english, including slang expressions and terms.
  • Controlled environment, no drugs or viruses - child at home.
  • Group-therapy.
  • Friends, friends, friends.
  • Multi-culture environment.
  • Gender equality.
  • Discover information on the internet.
  • Statistics and scientific methodology.
That is a really interesting subject..

 Click Pic to Enlarge. Comic by

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Guest contribution: Assmos

Another contribution arrived today by e-mail. Since I chuckled while reading it, I have to post it - although it does not necessarily fit the rest of the blog.

Click Pic to Enlarge. Sent by reader who wishes to remain anonymous.
This comic is by gai-on (i think), and more material can be found at aiononline forum, published by LucifelKS.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Purring in sieges

Continuing on previous post, I will try to attend today's siege.

Us (Elyos) will be defending the Inggison forts against the black-clad enemy (a.k.a. Asmos) pouring out of of the skies and attacking our castle gates.

Many thanx to Winternight (no server specified) for sending the pic.

Actually the battles are not that bad. I quite enjoy them - albeit i can not see much, because of the unbelievable lag. But I learnt to move blindly to pre-defined points, and heal or attack the (equally blind - i am sure) enemy.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

4 New Year Resolutions

Dear Solorius,  

I promise I have been really naughty and really nice throughout the year! I will try my best to fulfill my new year resolutions (of 2010) during the remaining 7 days. I have also written down my new new-year resolutions (for 2011):

1. I will make my own potions.
No more buying of the trader. Or at least I will gather the materials, buy the NPC items, and ask a friend to craft my potions for me. Worst case hypothesis, I will morph the necessary hintera and beg for mp pots. Yes, the past year MyTank has been kind enough to craft my pots. Maybe it's time to repay him, maybe with some actual kinah?

2. I will increase my aether gathering skill.
At least up to the stage needed to gather the magical aether, which is necessary for all this morphing required (see point 1). But, dear Solorius, this will have to wait until a double-gathering-exp weekend, because - as you very well know - I am no good in flying. And Storm Circle is still a dangerous place!

3. I will try to attend at least a siege a week.
Not for the AP. Nor for the medals. Not even for my legion. But I must do it, in order to be with my friends (in game) and understand what they talk about (in real life).

4. No more QQ-ing.
I can be the best dama-queen ever. I can out-drama you. But I usually avoid it. So that's it - no more QQ-ing will be *accepted*. I promise to ignore (and if this is not possible, i will try to avoid) all those melodramatic people who think that their life is important and their wings spread further.

But, dear Solorius, 

You need to do few things for us too.
Remember what massively wrote in the article "All I want for Solorius is.."? Well check them out - pretty darn good ideas all of them. My requests?

Ease tension in North vs South.
If this is not possible, try China vs US - the same thing really, but easier to identify. See, they don't enjoy fighting like we do with Asmos. They have no rez stones (!), no clerics above lvl 1 and - believe it or not - they can not bind to any of the obelisks there.

Make Miragent easier to craft.
You could add the option of exchanging 3 or 5 or even 10 "plain" hearts with 1 "crit" heart of magic. I understand this might be difficult to do, so let's just stick to miragent this year and if it succeeds you could do the same thing next year for Fenris too!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chain +15 [humor]

I was sent this picture from a reader of the blog. The mail text read:
"Chain Mail:  +15 physical attack against male opponents, +15 magical attack against female opponents,  +16 evasion against all enemies"
Many thanx to Annil for the contribution. You can also send yours, as long as it related, fun, and relatively decent :-P

Click Pic to Enlarge

Monday, December 6, 2010


Having to constantly wear chain, makes a woman's life difficult - have you tried finding something sexy in chain?

Cloth wearers have it easy - check the Asmodian skin! It's sexy, although the "hands-on-boobies" feature might be too much for me. I am pretty sure the fingers change depending on the toon's stance!

Standing toon: Bone fingers about to grab.
Grey patch added to protect toons' identity - since it's irrelevant to the current post.

Sitting toon: Bone fingers making the "success" gesture, implying they have already grabbed.
I am sooo getting shouted for publishing those! 
At least she has changed her armour since these pictures were taken.

Meanwhile, in a dungeon far far away:
Image from Komikino's Lineage II comics, series "Stabby McStoo". 
Click Pic to Enlarge

Epilogue: I know that not everyone is enjoying changing skins and colours - I do however enjoy the change while I am training, hands-on, for the next instance.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gearing Spree (or "About Cleric Armor")

The past few days have been an endless gearing spree for all players. Check the picture below, named "i want one of those", short for "things that you do not need, but you really really want". But we do need them - really!

Adventurer 2.1

For the first time in my Atreian life, I have a choice among alternative armor sets, thus I composed a detailed analysis of the different stats.

The table above is just a pic, but you can find the detailed data, per item, in a (google
spreadsheet here. Feel free to copy, paste and use for your own calculations.

NB Important difference that no numbers can mirror: The Forsaken Temple chain set is sexy!

I have highlighted the stats that are most important for my game style. In  short, I will go for the Udas Set, but until I have all the pieces, I will happily enjoy my increased PDef, given by a crafted blue top.

 Click Pic To Enlarge. The Pic.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanx Gods of Dungeons Past!

It was only two days ago that I was moaning on-blog about the infinite improbability which had me stuck with a horrendous xeno weapon (what an embarrassment!) at lvl 55.

The Weapon

Yesterday a proper, golden, level 52, golden - did I already say that?- mace dropped!

Compared to my previous weapon? Lots!
  1. Magic Boost +123!
  2. HP +225!
  3. M Acc +51!
  4. Parry +216!
  5. And of course +19% attack speed! (i really look forward to trying that today)
DPS increase will be much more than +16.67 since my 
damage depends on magic boost and not plain attack.
    It also has the silliest face on its end, actually two of those, one on each side of the hammer. But I hope not many people will be able to distinguish or notice it.

    The Story

    We were doing a fast Lower Udas. Killed Debilkarim at 02:00am, quite tired. The chanter was picking up, decent enough not to even suggest rolling, he just exclaimed "niiice!" when he linked the loot.

    TheTank said "need", as well as I did. 

    Tell me, what would you do in this case?

    TheTank is a close friend. Yes, ofc I wanted to change my xeno weapon! And true, that's one of the best possible weapons for my cleric. But then again, he is one of the best possible game-mates for me and my cleric too..

    Author's Note: At that point, I had no idea if this weapon was best suited for him or me. How much it would improve his toon or how much it would improve mine.

    I offered to pass, if he needed the mace. He suggested we both roll, something that I did not want (no sense  - hypothetically we both want the mace given to he or she who needs it more).

    The chanter picked up. I passed. He passed. In a very short time (that I did not understand because I was too happy), the mace was traded to me.

    Now I have a new weapon. A goooooooold, lvl 52, excellent, mace. Plus my friend passed for me.

     Click Pic To Enlarge

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Take a chance on me

    It's only a week that the drop rates have dramatically increased - or so they say. It's true that there was a significant change which has yet to be liquidated in nice golden gear. 

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    Yesterday there were some excellent drops in Udas upper/lower but the chanter and the sorc rolled higher so no gear update so far. 

    I wonder how "korean random" is translated in percentages and chances.. Being the person who has failed the miragent heart nine times (so far), I think I would rather invest in a quest-giving weapon where no percentages or chances or any of those stupid stochastic algorithms is involved. 

    I am seriously considering the green Siel weapon from Talocs, which can be upgraded with ingots from udas and besh, to gold. I have already collected some ingots! 

    However there is a slight problem. 
    .. I am sure you can guess. 
    .... The green Siel weapon has not yet dropped %-)

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    Yeap, I am pretty sure maths, probabilities and statistics are laughing at our puny hopes.

    NCSoft developers (and genes!) are laughing too.

    God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who *smiles all the time*. 
    -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)


    Friday, October 29, 2010

    Pumpkin event

    I am sorry I can not blog write now, I am too busy doing the event quests will all my characters. Oh and creating new characters, getting them to level 10, to do the quests. Go go go, you should be doing the same. And the quest is per-kill, so you can group with your friends for more fun and less effort.

    1. Go to main city of your faction
    2. Find pumpkin-head NPC (at Exalted Path for Elyos, Vifrost Bridge for Asmodians)
    3. Get and complete the 2 quests, this will open a repeatable quest
    4. Get repeatable quest, complete it 10 times
    5. Acquire excellent rewards!
    Change to another char, repeat cycle from step 1.
    Click on Pic to Enlarge. 
    NB: You *can* do the quest naked - especially if you have a beautiful 
    toon. And let's face it, almost all toons are beautiful in this game. So..

    You will get excellent enchantment stones (>lvl 70), even from your lvl 10 toons, lodas amulets and more.

    If you are still bored to try it, suffice to says that Elyos have to visit Verteron and kill some shulacks for the repeatable (you do 1hp damage per hit). It's a group quest, so even if one in the group is active, all characters get the kills and complete the quest. Com'on!

    Tuesday, October 26, 2010

    Breaking Up

    Well it's over. I thought it would work, I was quite positive actually, I have even given it a good prediction in a previous post. But it did not.

    They are both good players, they are in the same legion (at least they were), they fell in love for the past months. She is a ranger from Sweden, he is a sin from Greece. She promised she would travel to meet him, he promised he would do anything, really anything, for her.

    And then?
    He found out that she was not what she said she was. She was not the person in the photographs. She was flirting with another player too. She did not really plan to visit him. And many more lies..

    He is now sad and lonely. Pretending he is not sad, nor lonely. 
    Being female, I cann' t help but wonder how she feels now. Does she miss him? Does she want him? Will she ever try to make up with him? But he would never accept.

    Being human (or at least a close resemblance to humanoid), I cann't help but wonder what went wrong. If any. Was it his or her mistake? Did they both fall in love with an imaginary persona, that never existed? Would it be different if ..?

    Monday, October 18, 2010

    Instance gets harder!

    It was the first time I went into Taloc's Hollow, after the last update. It was so much harder!!

    Event: The mobs started hitting faster and harder and my HP bar went lower and lower. Note however that the HP bar of my NPC tank-helper (being a cleric myself, i always get the templar to assist me) did not go down - at least not faster than usual.

    Conclusion: I understood that NcSoft did some serious changes during this update and made the instance harder to complete. I called my friends, asked about their experience (they have not been in there yet, after the patch), and told them to be really really careful when they do go in.

    Analysis: The HP bar of my char did go low - that can be explained by the harder hits the mob did. However how did I manage to get the bar up again? At the time, I didn't think about it - I just assumed that being a cleric has its advantages. Like healing yourself.

    Waiiiiiit: Something is wrong. Well yes, heal yourself. But that much?! Bear in mind that the tree has 95.000 hp, how could I possibly heal 45.000 hp (half the tree's life) with one skill cast? Probably I could not.

    Epiphany: I am not a tree. More specifically, I forgot to transform to a tree! How stupid can I be?! I have done two of the instance bosses without having transformed. O.M.G. Talk about forgetfulness! That is why it was so hard.

    "To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up",

    Oscar Wilde says. On the plus side, for the interested reader, the item-skills (AoE and Nuke) do work fine, even like that.

    So.. remember.. Do not be yourself. It is a major mistake. Make sure you change to the adequate form each time, in order to handle each situation appropriately.

    Thursday, October 7, 2010

    Where is Udas Temple Entrance?

    Just in case some more people have the same question I did, I am posting here some summarised info about entering mid and low Udas Temple.

    Draft Version
    • There is an entrance to Udas Temple in both Inggison (Elyos) and Gelmaros (Asmodians).
    • You reach both mid and low Udas from the same temple-like entrance at a specific map point (where 2 caves appear, marking the entrance to 2 instances). After entering, you can choose which of the two instances you want.
    • The waiting time to reenter the ’Udas Temple’ dungeon is 6 hours.
    The temple-like entrace is in the pit where the Dragonbound are. There's a temple-ish looking entrance, guarded by alot of elites. Once you are Lv 52, you can receive the Udas Temple entry quest. Honeus gives the quest and can be found in the Undirborg Observation Post. The quest name is “Goal of the Dragonbound.”

    1. Fly from Inggison Illusion Fortress to Undiborg Observation Post (aka "north fly point").
    2. Walk few steps on the green-covered rock.

    3. Glide towards the map point, avoiding the wind tunnel. Don't worry, you do not need much flight time. Or take the wind tunnel (some people prefer it) but exit as soon as you are above the map point.

    Click Pic to Enlarge
    4. When you are reaching the map point, you will see a deep whole in the ground, with a gigantic phallic symbol tower in the middle. That's the design you see on your Inggison map too.

    5. Glide towards the temple-like entrance, on the lowest level. Glide towards there and land as close as possible. Be careful of all those elites patrolling. If you are having problems with your gliding like I do, aim for the wall above the entrance and then slide down.

    6. Enter the Temple-like entrance, it's safe for few (10-20) meters, until you come to a large room.

    7a. Walk straight ahead for Lower Udas.
    7b. Walk straight for half the room, turn left, walk to the end of the corridor, go behind the statue there, for Mid Udas.
    Do not worry, it is easy to avoid the mobs.
    Image from Aion PowerWiki

    8. Use the instance entrance.

    Asmodians / Gelkmaros
    Asmodians can also receive the entry quest for Udas Temple once they reach Lv 52. The entry quest is named "Secret of the Dragonbound" and you can get it from Aglauros, who is in the Marayas Wilds.

    1. Move towards the point marked (sorry, don't know how)

    2. Glide towards the entrance, which is found below a ledge. Glide towards there and land as close as possible. Be careful of all those elites patrolling.

    3. Enter the Temple-like entrance, it's safe for few (10-20) meters, until you come to a large room.

    4a. Walk straight ahead for Lower Udas.
    4b. Walk straight for half the room, turn left, walk to the end of the corridor, go behind the statue there, for Mid Udas.
    Do not worry, it is easy to avoid the mobs.
    Image from Aion PowerWiki

    5. Use the instance entrance.

    Try the instance - it's new, fun and .. oh well, you just have to, it has so many quests!

    Click Pic To Enlarge

    More info:
    • Aion PowerWiki Getting To Udas (excellent step-by-step guide for both factions)
    • Aiononline forums (elyos)
    • Yellowgremlin map (elyos), map (asmo)
    • List of  Udas Temple guides

    Monday, October 4, 2010

    Love is in the air (part II)

    Wow, that was unexpected! After the last post, "Love is in the air", I received some emails about additional cases (and none about taloc's guide.. guys do you prefer that kind of posts?!)

    Here is a table summarising all cases so far.

    #   Man Woman Status
      country class age country class age
    1 uk sin 17 sweden cleric 23
    2 sweden gladi 24 denmark cleric 24
    3 greece sin 38 sweden ranger 29
    4 uk templar 28 uk cleric 28
    5 norway sin 22 germany chanter 25
    6 uk gladi 28 germany ranger 26

    Many thanx to Ariel, LTK, Anonymous for their kind input.

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    • All (100%) males flirting in game play fighting classes.
    • Most (66%) females play support classes.
    • In all cases (100%) meeting of the couple had a positive result.
    • All (100%) females are from northern european countries.
    • Age does not seem significant. Males were older than females in as many cases (30%) as females were older than males (30%). 
    • All (100%) of cases was reported by females.
    • Guys: get online, create a fighter, join a legion, go after the female players of northern countries, start with clerics and chanters, then move on to rangers.

    Friday, October 1, 2010

    Love is in the air

    Is it the season? So much flirting going around - at least considering the infinite improbability of meeting your 'significant other' in an .. MMO (!).

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    So here they are, my three favorite cases among my friends!

    Case #1: Britain calling Sweden.
    Young man of 17 y.o., extremely clever (i'm sure he is a prodigy!) meets sweet, happy, exciting woman of 23. Most males who even listen to her voice on ts/vent/skype instantly fall in love. She travels to him, they meet, they get along, now he prepares his visit to her.
    Chances of being together after 6 months: 90%

    Case #2: Sweeden to Danmark.
    Persian fighter in Sweeden, 24 y.o., meets same-age cleric from Danmark. He approaches her online, and some time later her in-game description reads he is the man of her life! Yet he is not persuaded to visit her - although he seems genuinely interested.
    Chances of being together after 6 months: 8%
    Case #3: Greece to Sweden.
    Musician from Greece, 38 y.o., role-playing the assassin, falls in love with cute little ranger from Sweden of 29 y.o. She has already planned visiting him in November for a week and then again in x-mas time for a forthnight. Ah - l'amour!
    Chances of being together after 6 months: If they survive the first meeting: 99%.

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    NB1: In 100% of the cases, man and woman are in the same legion.
    NB2: Pictures of #2 and #3 show extremely beautiful women.

    Corollary: Get online, join a legion, check female players from northern european countries.

    Wednesday, September 8, 2010

    Taloc's Hollow FAQ (version 2)

    Thanx to TheTank, Chryssa and online guides for the info.

    What's Taloc's Hollow?
    A solo instance, for players 51 - 55 level.

    Is it for Elyos or Asmodeans?

    Why is this "Taloc's Hollow" of interest?
    Because it has drops, quests, exp, gather. One of the quests unlocks stigma slot. You get jewels, godstones, armor and even weapon. Rumors have it that even gold weapons drop!
    One of the drops you can (realistically) hope 
    to get - that or the equivalent for melee classes.

    When can I enter Taloc's Hollow?
    Should be lvl 51 to 55. Should have traveled to Balaurea (needs quests).
    BTW these two quests give excellent blue lvl 51 greaves.

    Where is Taloc's Hollow?
    South West Inggison (Taloc's Forest). Need to use a very short air-draft to approach Taloc's Forest.

    How often can I enter the instance?
    There is a cooldown of 46 hours.

    How does it look, inside?
    Check the image below. For a far better map, go to yellowgremlins.

    If I die, where do I get up?
    Kisk. Use a kisk before you enter the first time. Otherwise you will get up wherever you are bound.

    How long does it take?
    You can stay as long as you like, estimate around 2 hours.

    What quests are there for Elyos?
    A Hard Seed to Crack (5 suspicious yellow sacks, 2.1m exp),
    The Wounds of Change (1.8m exp), With Friends Like These (),
    Death to the Queen (6 mithril coins, 2.3m exp),
    Mysterious Seed (5 mithril coins, 2.1m exp).
    Some of them are repeatable. Some others have a time limit - if you don't make it you get less coins as a reward.

    What quests are there for Asmos?
    A Hard Seed to Crack (),
    Soiled Soil (1.1m exp),
    The Lost Tome (),
    The Struggle Within (2.7m),
    Mysterious Seed (5 mithril coins, 2.3m exp),
    Spawning the Sap Suckers (6 mithril coins, 2.3m exp).
    Some of them are repeatable. Some others have a time limit - if you don't make it you get less coins as a reward.

    What can I gather?
    Voluspar (440), Tinga (430), Kuvano (420), Gossam (410).
    Magical Aether on the floor (400, 425, 450).

    Where is the shulack NPC trader;
    Hidden in a cave, behind the waterfall, very close and at the same lvl (height) with the NPC that you will save from a spider. The entrance to the cave is covered with plants, you will need a special item to get in (dorkin's knife - drops from saved NPC). From this trader you can purchase a special item to open-up the egg behind him. You can also purchase the fertiliser needed for another quest, so if it is your first time in the instance, be sure to buy it.

    Where will I find the journal/booklet I need for my quest?
    When you kill the final boss, before talking to Taloc to exit the instance, look among the midst, on the floor of the boss room. There is a small item (the book!), which you can use if you have the quest.

    Where are the 6 "contaminated soil"? Where is "core"?
    Check the map that Chryssa made (6+1 points marked).

    What will I do in there??
    Check the walk-through below.


    Talk to Taloc and enter the instance. Once inside, you see him again, this time you get quests and some items.
    One item transforms you into a tree-man with 95k (or more) HP and 54k MP. Second item gives you an AoE attack of 2.5k damage.

    In the next room, the enemies start - almost all of them elites lvl 51-52. One of the first ones you face, the bigger spider, will drop another useful item which does a 7k damage ranged attack.

    As you move along, keep an eye out for "piles", they have items needed for one of the quests. Also check for the "fountains" which regen your HP and MP.

    Continue up the ramp to the next room, where you will find three cocoons. You can release one captive, who will be your (NPC) helper. One is a cleric, second is a tank, third is empty. Rumors have it that the cleric is not very helpful, he heals only when HP too low, and most people prefer the tank. I will take the tank anyway, being a healer.

    Proceed up to the left and you will come up to the entrance to a room on the right (entrance full of webs). In there you will find a mini RB which drops the next helpful item with a shielding effect.


    First boss: Clear the space around the boss (especially in front) before engaging him. Heed Taloc's advice (from the cutscene) on how to fight him.

    Proceed up the trail of the tree-truck, fighting the mobs. At some point you will have to pass between some tentacles without getting hit (another Mario-inspired idea?). Keep going, another big spider will drop a helpful item which does mass sleep skill.

    Somewhere there, you can help an NPC attacked by a mob. If you do, you get a gift plus a small knife. This allows entrance to the secret trader room. The entrance of this room is very close to the place the NPC is, behind the waterfall (same level as the NPC).

    Second boss:  Heed Taloc's advice from the cutscene. Follow the boss and kill all mobs in the area (they are non-elites, so you can AoE each group). Then engage the RB. Adds are better killed before they grow up, while still eggs, by AoE attack. If u don't deal with them, they will attack you.

    Finding the final boss: Break the giant egg in the center of the room, while facing the way you came. Get in the mist and hit your space bar to open your wings. This way you will float up. There you will find groups of elites which you will need to AoE. Looking towards the direction you came (although in another level), you should be looking at the final RB room. Hack and slash to get there..

    Final boss: Lots of grabs, jerks and stuns (like telepathy controller). It takes a long time to kill, because it has lots of hp (but so do you). Use the items' skills as much as possible. You can ignore the adds, they disappear after a while.

    When you manage to kill the final boss, Taloc appears again. Hand in the quests and he teleports you outside with all your drops rewards!

    More info:

    Tuesday, September 7, 2010

    5 questions while waiting for Aion 2.0

    Well it's time.

    The servers are down and we are all being magically transfered  to an alternative parallel universe where the Balaurea continent ..exists.

    And it's not version 2.0. It is version 2.0.2 already!

    I wonder:
    • Will the new content be interesting?
    • Will I be able to successfully complete the 51 solo instance?
    • Will the weapon drop rate increase in DP and Theo Lab?
    • How many roads must a man walk down?  [answer]
    • Will the price of stains go down? 

    Need to wait for the answers..

    Click Pic to Enlarge (worth reading the text)

    Monday, September 6, 2010

    + 2cm for SINs

    As a cleric, I have witnessed repeatedly the joy of assassins when they get the aggro from the tank.

    It's assassins specifically. Rangers for example, do not share this feeling of pride and they don't gloat in similar occasions. It is as if a special kind of people chooses to become assassins (SINs). And this kind of people acts like that - a funny behaviour, to say the least. So what's their problem?

    The best answer came from an old gamer:

    + 2 cm

    It's that simple. They gain two centimeters each time they get the aggro. Do the maths..

     Click Pic to Enlarge