Monday, December 6, 2010


Having to constantly wear chain, makes a woman's life difficult - have you tried finding something sexy in chain?

Cloth wearers have it easy - check the Asmodian skin! It's sexy, although the "hands-on-boobies" feature might be too much for me. I am pretty sure the fingers change depending on the toon's stance!

Standing toon: Bone fingers about to grab.
Grey patch added to protect toons' identity - since it's irrelevant to the current post.

Sitting toon: Bone fingers making the "success" gesture, implying they have already grabbed.
I am sooo getting shouted for publishing those! 
At least she has changed her armour since these pictures were taken.

Meanwhile, in a dungeon far far away:
Image from Komikino's Lineage II comics, series "Stabby McStoo". 
Click Pic to Enlarge

Epilogue: I know that not everyone is enjoying changing skins and colours - I do however enjoy the change while I am training, hands-on, for the next instance.


  1. Thank you for posting a link to my comic and the reference to the hand/boob armor! :)
    Komikino/Rich Schleifer

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