Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Advanced SW HM rez loci

In this post we explore the dynamics of having the chanter killed first, before anyone else attacks. This advanced technique allows for a highly deterministic outcome; group members follow a strict procedure that allows little room for chance factors to influence the result.

This is an advanced course on killing Stormwing (Besh) in hard mode, using rez loci. The main/basic technique is described in a previous blog post entitled Stormwing HM with rez loci.

  • Group members (except cleric) remove their defensive buffs and any armour, jewel or shield that could make them evade or sustain SW's attack (*4).
  • Group members (except cleric) duel each other, to lower their HP below 50%.

First Attack:
  1. All group members (except cleric) stand close to each other. Cleric stands 18m away.
  2. Chanter attacks SW until he (or SW) dies. During this time, cleric makes sure he is standing 18m away from SW.
  3. The remaining group members (except cleric) attack SW without moving from their position.
  4. SW kills the remaining group, except cleric who stands 18m away. 

Cycle of Attacks: 
Note: SW usually does two normal attacks and then an AoE. Rarely, he does three.
  1. The cleric starts casting rez loci when the 2nd person dies (ie after the second normal attack), because that’s when SW will do his AoE. However, if SW attacks a 3rd person with a normal, non-aoe attack, then the cleric should cancel the casting and start again – this will be the case that SW does three normal attacks before the AoE.
  2. Group members accept rez loci as soon as possible (*4). When at least one member is up, the cleric moves 18m away from SW.
  3. The chanter casts WoI and attacks as soon as he/she gets up (*1). While the chanter is attacking, the rest of the group does nothing (*2). They wait until the chanter dies.
  4. The rest of the group attacks (except cleric), immediately after chanter’s death. If they start attacking too early, then they mess SW’s routine and the whole strategy fails. If they start too late, SW kills the healer and the strategy fails again.
  5. Back to step 1.

 Baby Stormwing


*1 Since the chanter will be the first to die, he will see all the necessary animations before the rest of the group, thus he will be able to get up faster than the others.

*2 While the group members (except cleric) await chanter to die, they can spam jumps (keep pressing the jump button), to break the invincibility effect. OK, I am not sure this is helpful, but it is definitely fun.

*3 If SW emits a blue colour on the floor around him and starts saying something like "My Powers..", then the cleric should slightly delay his casting. The reason is that SW will do some animation that takes about 1.5 sec before he lifts up for the aoe.

*4 If someone sustains or evades SW AoE, then there will be tornados (which will result in wipe) because suddenly there will be attacking members in two points. However there is a workaround: The rest of the group should not accept rez loci, until the remaining member dies as well.

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