Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gearing Spree (or "About Cleric Armor")

The past few days have been an endless gearing spree for all players. Check the picture below, named "i want one of those", short for "things that you do not need, but you really really want". But we do need them - really!

Adventurer 2.1

For the first time in my Atreian life, I have a choice among alternative armor sets, thus I composed a detailed analysis of the different stats.

The table above is just a pic, but you can find the detailed data, per item, in a (google
spreadsheet here. Feel free to copy, paste and use for your own calculations.

NB Important difference that no numbers can mirror: The Forsaken Temple chain set is sexy!

I have highlighted the stats that are most important for my game style. In  short, I will go for the Udas Set, but until I have all the pieces, I will happily enjoy my increased PDef, given by a crafted blue top.

 Click Pic To Enlarge. The Pic.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanx Gods of Dungeons Past!

It was only two days ago that I was moaning on-blog about the infinite improbability which had me stuck with a horrendous xeno weapon (what an embarrassment!) at lvl 55.

The Weapon

Yesterday a proper, golden, level 52, golden - did I already say that?- mace dropped!

Compared to my previous weapon? Lots!
  1. Magic Boost +123!
  2. HP +225!
  3. M Acc +51!
  4. Parry +216!
  5. And of course +19% attack speed! (i really look forward to trying that today)
DPS increase will be much more than +16.67 since my 
damage depends on magic boost and not plain attack.
    It also has the silliest face on its end, actually two of those, one on each side of the hammer. But I hope not many people will be able to distinguish or notice it.

    The Story

    We were doing a fast Lower Udas. Killed Debilkarim at 02:00am, quite tired. The chanter was picking up, decent enough not to even suggest rolling, he just exclaimed "niiice!" when he linked the loot.

    TheTank said "need", as well as I did. 

    Tell me, what would you do in this case?

    TheTank is a close friend. Yes, ofc I wanted to change my xeno weapon! And true, that's one of the best possible weapons for my cleric. But then again, he is one of the best possible game-mates for me and my cleric too..

    Author's Note: At that point, I had no idea if this weapon was best suited for him or me. How much it would improve his toon or how much it would improve mine.

    I offered to pass, if he needed the mace. He suggested we both roll, something that I did not want (no sense  - hypothetically we both want the mace given to he or she who needs it more).

    The chanter picked up. I passed. He passed. In a very short time (that I did not understand because I was too happy), the mace was traded to me.

    Now I have a new weapon. A goooooooold, lvl 52, excellent, mace. Plus my friend passed for me.

     Click Pic To Enlarge

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Take a chance on me

    It's only a week that the drop rates have dramatically increased - or so they say. It's true that there was a significant change which has yet to be liquidated in nice golden gear. 

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    Yesterday there were some excellent drops in Udas upper/lower but the chanter and the sorc rolled higher so no gear update so far. 

    I wonder how "korean random" is translated in percentages and chances.. Being the person who has failed the miragent heart nine times (so far), I think I would rather invest in a quest-giving weapon where no percentages or chances or any of those stupid stochastic algorithms is involved. 

    I am seriously considering the green Siel weapon from Talocs, which can be upgraded with ingots from udas and besh, to gold. I have already collected some ingots! 

    However there is a slight problem. 
    .. I am sure you can guess. 
    .... The green Siel weapon has not yet dropped %-)

    Click Pic to Enlarge

    Yeap, I am pretty sure maths, probabilities and statistics are laughing at our puny hopes.

    NCSoft developers (and genes!) are laughing too.

    God does not play dice with the universe: He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players [i.e. everybody], to being involved in an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you the rules, and who *smiles all the time*. 
    -- (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)