Thursday, December 30, 2010

MMOs are good for you

You know that MMOs are good for you. I know it too. But how can I persuade a teenager's mom?
More often than not, I have people trying to persuade me that gaming is bad for my mental (and physical!) health. Although I have found ways to deal with these people, there will still be the argument that young gamers, ie 15-18 year olds, are in danger, "destroying themselves", in an addiction "worse than drugs". On top of that, there are pseudo-scientific articles, describing this new disease and urging parents to guard their offsprings.

Well I think that MMOs are beneficial for a teenager. And I want to spread the word. Could you help me write down the arguments in favour of gaming? Please mail me your ideas.

Some thoughts to start with (in no particular order):
  • Functioning in groups. Learn to follow, collaborate, lead, organise, talk.
  • Every-day english, including slang expressions and terms.
  • Controlled environment, no drugs or viruses - child at home.
  • Group-therapy.
  • Friends, friends, friends.
  • Multi-culture environment.
  • Gender equality.
  • Discover information on the internet.
  • Statistics and scientific methodology.
That is a really interesting subject..

 Click Pic to Enlarge. Comic by

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Guest contribution: Assmos

Another contribution arrived today by e-mail. Since I chuckled while reading it, I have to post it - although it does not necessarily fit the rest of the blog.

Click Pic to Enlarge. Sent by reader who wishes to remain anonymous.
This comic is by gai-on (i think), and more material can be found at aiononline forum, published by LucifelKS.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Purring in sieges

Continuing on previous post, I will try to attend today's siege.

Us (Elyos) will be defending the Inggison forts against the black-clad enemy (a.k.a. Asmos) pouring out of of the skies and attacking our castle gates.

Many thanx to Winternight (no server specified) for sending the pic.

Actually the battles are not that bad. I quite enjoy them - albeit i can not see much, because of the unbelievable lag. But I learnt to move blindly to pre-defined points, and heal or attack the (equally blind - i am sure) enemy.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

4 New Year Resolutions

Dear Solorius,  

I promise I have been really naughty and really nice throughout the year! I will try my best to fulfill my new year resolutions (of 2010) during the remaining 7 days. I have also written down my new new-year resolutions (for 2011):

1. I will make my own potions.
No more buying of the trader. Or at least I will gather the materials, buy the NPC items, and ask a friend to craft my potions for me. Worst case hypothesis, I will morph the necessary hintera and beg for mp pots. Yes, the past year MyTank has been kind enough to craft my pots. Maybe it's time to repay him, maybe with some actual kinah?

2. I will increase my aether gathering skill.
At least up to the stage needed to gather the magical aether, which is necessary for all this morphing required (see point 1). But, dear Solorius, this will have to wait until a double-gathering-exp weekend, because - as you very well know - I am no good in flying. And Storm Circle is still a dangerous place!

3. I will try to attend at least a siege a week.
Not for the AP. Nor for the medals. Not even for my legion. But I must do it, in order to be with my friends (in game) and understand what they talk about (in real life).

4. No more QQ-ing.
I can be the best dama-queen ever. I can out-drama you. But I usually avoid it. So that's it - no more QQ-ing will be *accepted*. I promise to ignore (and if this is not possible, i will try to avoid) all those melodramatic people who think that their life is important and their wings spread further.

But, dear Solorius, 

You need to do few things for us too.
Remember what massively wrote in the article "All I want for Solorius is.."? Well check them out - pretty darn good ideas all of them. My requests?

Ease tension in North vs South.
If this is not possible, try China vs US - the same thing really, but easier to identify. See, they don't enjoy fighting like we do with Asmos. They have no rez stones (!), no clerics above lvl 1 and - believe it or not - they can not bind to any of the obelisks there.

Make Miragent easier to craft.
You could add the option of exchanging 3 or 5 or even 10 "plain" hearts with 1 "crit" heart of magic. I understand this might be difficult to do, so let's just stick to miragent this year and if it succeeds you could do the same thing next year for Fenris too!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Chain +15 [humor]

I was sent this picture from a reader of the blog. The mail text read:
"Chain Mail:  +15 physical attack against male opponents, +15 magical attack against female opponents,  +16 evasion against all enemies"
Many thanx to Annil for the contribution. You can also send yours, as long as it related, fun, and relatively decent :-P

Click Pic to Enlarge

Monday, December 6, 2010


Having to constantly wear chain, makes a woman's life difficult - have you tried finding something sexy in chain?

Cloth wearers have it easy - check the Asmodian skin! It's sexy, although the "hands-on-boobies" feature might be too much for me. I am pretty sure the fingers change depending on the toon's stance!

Standing toon: Bone fingers about to grab.
Grey patch added to protect toons' identity - since it's irrelevant to the current post.

Sitting toon: Bone fingers making the "success" gesture, implying they have already grabbed.
I am sooo getting shouted for publishing those! 
At least she has changed her armour since these pictures were taken.

Meanwhile, in a dungeon far far away:
Image from Komikino's Lineage II comics, series "Stabby McStoo". 
Click Pic to Enlarge

Epilogue: I know that not everyone is enjoying changing skins and colours - I do however enjoy the change while I am training, hands-on, for the next instance.