Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jeshuchi, Zapiel and some invisible bridges

You know about the invisible bridges, hanging in the empty space, going from one island to the other? Well you need to climb on those if you want to kill some pretty-awesome RBs like Jeshuchi and Zapiel.

To get there:

1. Port to Heiron
2. Either run to Kishar Camp or fly directly from heiron
3. Use the waterfall (need Hokuna Matata for that)
4. Appear on rock bridge
5. Glide to the rock opposite
6. Get out of the hole -grrr
7. Walk around the rock that looks like a bone (that's a left turn)
8. Walk forward to get to the chain
9. Walk upwards on the chain, till the n-1 point (on the last one, you fall down).

10. Take a deep breath.

11. Aim to the [right of the] tree you can see towards the islands (on your right).
12. Land on the hill
13. Walk to the cliff that is closer to the 2 mobs guarding the (invisible) bridge
14. Glide towards the 2 mobs
15. While you glide, the moment you get an updraft, do a 90 degrees turn to the right, and aim between the pillars sticking out from Jeshuchi island against you
16. You should land on the bridge to Jesuchi.

Well, i cann't really do that. I want to help my friends, the few times i have time, but I rarely make it. Usually i fall in any of these steps. And as if that's not enough, usually half the legion plus some more people are there, watching you fail miserably.

I really really need to improve my gliding and flying skills! 
Click to Enlarge Pic

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