Monday, July 18, 2011

Runaway New Pet

Note: This article has been corrected - August 10th

A new pet, The Runaway Poppy, will allow its owners to gain extra Platinum Medals.

That's at patch 2.6, starting August 3rd.

There is a small chance of obtaining Platinum Medals from the gifts that the pet gives in response to feeding.

It eats snacks that drop in Crucible Challenge, when you successfully complete stage 2 (bonus round). Each time you will get either "Snack Food" or "Tasty Snack Food" or "Nutritious Snack Pet Food". These will you give a minor, normal or major bundle respectively.

    You only have to feed your pet one poppy treat. There is a chance to get a platinum medal each time you feed it a poppy treat. There is a maximum of 40 times you may feed the pet before having to buy another runaway poppy, which costs around 2010 Crucible Insignia.

    ... now does this mean that people with good gear will start joining us for EC? Please? o:-)

    Friday, July 8, 2011


    Today I borrowed some images from another favourite comic, called Looking For Group, to help demonstrate my mood(s).

    That's the initial strip (click on the picture to enlarge it):

    Now check how is everything included:
    • Most of the time: "I will see, I will learn, what no other scholar has ever dreamed of."
    • Rarely: "I'll be able to get them off my back."
    • When I am happy: "I will fulfill my true destiny."

    Based on same comic, here is a visualisation of the basic cleric mechanism:
    OK maybe sometimes other thoughts and feelings are there as well :)

    However there are few days, very special days, like today, that..

    You didn't know I like to kill things? Seriously?

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    StDev(friends) = 11

    You two gentlemen are too young to be my friends!

    Hmmm most of you are too young to be my friends!

    ..and yet you are. Good friends.

    Playing MMOs for some years, I found out that a/s/l* is not that important in game cooperation. Yesterday I realised that my closest Aion friends are quite younger than me. Except one who is older. I should have expected that, since I am myself older than the average player. But it made me feel like a cougar!

    Being a scientist, I calculated the average age of my closest aion friends (16 ppl) and the standard deviation (σ) of their ages. The results were expected:
    • Average age: a bit over 30
    • Standard deviation: 11

    In case you are wondering what "standard deviation" means - it is a measure of how much the data varies from the average. In the graph above, it varies a lot.

    Well after all this extensive statistical analysis, it is now possible to deduce one result:
    I don't care about your age. It's you I want.

    * a/s/l stands for age / sex / location. Used primarily as a question in chat rooms and other virtual environments,  to request info from the other person.