Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Resistance Is Futile

I keep moaning about not having enough time to play. So many things I need to do online!
  • Do Empyrean Crucible daily (done)
  • Go places with my friends (never enough)
  • Do dredgion, farm abyss points and platinum medals, dailies, gather (pending)
  • Learn to hunt asmos (ludicrous emm pending)
So how many hours a day? Because the two hours I play every day are definitely not adequate.

But then I look at my tank. He plays long hours. He plays so many hours, that by the end, there is no real stimulation. He does all those every day and many more. He has full Stormwing, he has tons of AP and medals, in short he has almost everything. And you know what happens? He is bored. Disappointed. He sometimes considers leaving the game.

So how many hours a day? Because the long hours he plays every day are definitely not adequate.

Some very capable legion members have already moved to different games, seeking the challenge of new goals. Is there really a point?

The comic above, from, really summarises my concluding thoughts better than any post could. Check the site, I think most of this guy's strips are really funny.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Character Design UI

 OK mate, you are strange and you are creeping me out!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Easy To Please Online

Some time ago I read yet another comic of the Thenoobcomic series.

While I was reading it, I couldn't help but smiling to the poor wanna-be forum moderator idiots depicted there.

As if anyone would want to become a forum moderator! As if there is anything special (or desired) in that title! Of course not.

Only an idiot would care for forum power, and I am no idiot!

But.. wait.. Community people are nice people, no?

Today I received a message from

This means that I get my own "title" in official aiononline forums, and it comes in colour! It also means that effort is recognised - I hope. Not to mention recognition of how mature, friendly, and the other, I am.

I realised that I love the recognition - even if it only comes as a colourful name label. Or fangs.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dyes and dies

New blog colours!! Cool or what!

Needing a refreshed approach to on line life, I tweaked with the design of this page. If this doesn't work to cheer me up, I will buy those!

Same approach in game. You can change skins, or if you prefer a lighter approach, you can just change the colour of the armour. For that, you need dyes.

Or dies.

Some non-native english speakers get confused with the spelling, and more than once I heard them asking about black or red die. I cann't help it, I smile each and every time!

I know, i know, on line lingo can accept a lot of those, it is not after all possible to have all those people speak the same.. each language has it's own origin.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How many hours a day?

A good friend of mine is temporarily giving up Aion. Two reasons led to this decision:
  • financial issues (scary, no?)
  • time issues
the latter reason (=time) being more important. He told me:

"After I stopped playing Aion, my day got 8 hours longer."

But this makes no sense, I thought. He did not really play 8 hours a day.

Oh wait..

He might not play, but he was connected for quite a lot every day.. After all, each day he had to:
  • craft two heliotrops 
  • log with each toon, visit trader to sell items
  • do daily quest
  • do other daily quest
  • craft potions or food or scrolls
 And it is not just him, we all have to do those as often as possible.
    And of course some of the days you have to:
    • do Abyssal Splinter quest run
    • do weekly quests
    Yet those are "complementary" activities, none of them is *really* playing. Because when you "really" play, you will do an instance, dredgion, or some kind of legion activity. Time starts to stretch.

    When you want to do an instance like Esoterrace or Besh, you need to:
    • wait for group to complete
    • wait for random-group-member-1 to eat before you start
    • wait for random-group-member-2 to re-connect after dc
    Ok this is getting serious - too much auxiliary time, lost time, noise, for each "real" activity.

    As I think of the "to-do" list, the list keeps getting longer. I am worried.

     Xkcd demonstrates one way to make it.

    Monday, June 6, 2011

    Important considerations

    The 2.5 patch has been up for a while, and a lot of things are in my mind - so many important decisions to make in game!

    • How should I use the plastic surgery ticket? 
    I think my hair colour needs a re-vamp. At the same time, this ticket might be my opportunity to get a bit taller/older. Cool.

    One thing that scares me though: the character creation and modification engine has no "undo" button. What happens if I make a change that I do not like? How do I get back to my usual self?

    • What should I buy first with the Empyrean Crucible Insignias? 

    I was going for the loot-pet, but my adult side asks for weapon or armour. 


    Which means I need to do a comparative study of prospects and stats, in order to target the optimal choice. Or hire a consultant to do the study for me, feed him the desired outcome, and use his presentation to persuade all the conflicting inner voices.

    • Do I want to do Beshmundir Temple again? 
    Oh, that's an easy one. No, i dont! I am not sure though if I ought to though..

    • Where should I look for the new lolita costumes? 
    I meant the student ones. Imagine me having a halo, a lollipop and a short plaided skirt! Sooo shallow!

    If this costume/skin is available as a present, I do not want to buy it myself. I wish someone else buys it for me.. A handsome guy preferably!

    Who do I choose and how do I make him realise that he wants to offer me a gift?

    So many things in my mind.. It's a tough on-line life after all!