Well yes, I tried Aion 2.0 on the PTS. /blush
But it's a secret, don't tell anyone, ok?
Click Pic To Enlarge
Comic from Scott Kurtz, creator of PvPOnline
No, not seeking knowledge or excitement, not dying to know the little secrets which will make me level faster on the 7th of September, when Aion 2.0 launches. No, I did it for another reason:
I have to admit, it's fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun leveling on the PTS. Something like playing bombjack (ancient arcade game) with 99 lives, or like playing civilization II after you have taken up all resources from the enemies. Plain cheating, yet.. fulfilling.
Examples include:
- Lots exp from each mob (the multiplier must be something like x3?)
- Tons exp from each gather (the multiplier must be something like x10?)
- Plethora of drops (x5?)

Click Pic To Enlarge
Comic from Scott Kurtz, creator of PvPOnline
But contrary to any game mechanics and urban believes - I do enjoy it! La vie est belle (on the PTS).